Science & Art

Ecosystems Scientist / Biodiversity & Climate Change / Artist.
Founding Director, Nature based Insetting
Technical Director, Nature Based Solutions initiative, Oxford.
Science Lead, Oxford Biodiversity Network, University of Oxford.
Growth & Strategy, Bookwhen.
Freelance illustrator
Linkedin & Twitter & Instagram: @cecilegirardin
Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet - if we act now.
Girardin, C.A.J., Jenkins, S., Seddon, N., Allen, M., Lewis, S.L., Wheeler, C.E., Griscom, B.W., Malhi, Y.,
Nature, 593: 7858, 191 - 194,
Dr. Cécile Girardin is a scientist and an artist. As an artist, Cécile has produced murals, animations, and a wide range of professional illustrations for UN Biodiversity, iied, Oxford University Press, Global Canopy Programme, and Sumatran Orangutan Society, and Oxford University, to name a few. Her portfolio is available on
Cécile trained as an Ecosystems Scientist at the University of Oxford and Imperial College, and has over 15 years of field experience: working in tropical forests, managing international teams, leading scientific publications, training students, and facilitating discussions on translating science into policy and action (eg. REDD+, Nature-based Solutions).
Cécile combines years of experience in climate change policy analysis with a background in tropical ecology and thorough understanding of forest ecosystem functioning to provide a unique multidisciplinary approach to her work. Her research focuses on the potential for Nature-based Solutions to respond to climate change. She is an expert on the ecosystem functioning and carbon dynamics of tropical forests across the globe, and their response to a rapidly changing climate.
As the Science Lead of the Oxford Biodiversity Network, Cécile works with teams across 20 Departments and Institutes to ensure the effective organisation, innovation, funding, and impact of biodiversity-related research across the University. Cécile also manages the Global Ecosystems Monitoring network’s database for the Ecosystems Science team at the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, providing data gathering and analysis support to the 70+ permanent plots scattered across the globe. She is Technical Director of the Nature-based Solutions Initiative, and Founding Director of Oxford Biochar.
Over the past five years, Cécile has published widely on the effects of climate change on tropical forest ecosystems. As Technical Director of Oxford University’s Nature Based Solutions Initiative, Cécile works with an interdisciplinary team to translate science-based evidence on Nature-based Solutions to decision makers. The team work closely with NGOs, local governments and the United Nations, with the strong ambition to bring the equitable protection of nature to the centre of the sustainable development agenda.
Cécile has completed an MSc in Environmental Technology at Imperial College, worked as a consultant for Ecosecurities and Environmental Resources Management Ltd, completed a DPhil at Oxford University, and worked as a consultant for the UN-REDD+ team of the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organisation, where she was involved in developing Vietnam’s Measurement, Reporting and Verification Framework Document under Vietnam’s National REDD+ Programme.
Cécile specialises in Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Nature-based Solutions, and has delivered speeches to the Untied Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, the US Department of Energy’s Next Generation Ecosystems Experiments, the Royal Society, Association for tropical Biologists, the British Ecological Society, multiple Schools, the Natural History Museum, and regularly attends and presents at scientific conferences and in Governmental organisations. Over the past ten years, she has organised and spoken at side events at the Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, Poznan, Milan, Delhi, and Bonn.
Member of the Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests, Oxford Biodiversity Network, and alumni of the Oxford Martin School, she is also an active supporter of the Martin School’s Illegal Wildlife Trade program.
Founding Director, Nature based Insetting
Technical Director, Nature Based Solutions initiative, Oxford.
Science Lead, Oxford Biodiversity Network, University of Oxford.
Growth & Strategy, Bookwhen.
Freelance illustrator
Linkedin & Twitter & Instagram: @cecilegirardin
Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet - if we act now.
Girardin, C.A.J., Jenkins, S., Seddon, N., Allen, M., Lewis, S.L., Wheeler, C.E., Griscom, B.W., Malhi, Y.,
Nature, 593: 7858, 191 - 194,
Dr. Cécile Girardin is a scientist and an artist. As an artist, Cécile has produced murals, animations, and a wide range of professional illustrations for UN Biodiversity, iied, Oxford University Press, Global Canopy Programme, and Sumatran Orangutan Society, and Oxford University, to name a few. Her portfolio is available on
Cécile trained as an Ecosystems Scientist at the University of Oxford and Imperial College, and has over 15 years of field experience: working in tropical forests, managing international teams, leading scientific publications, training students, and facilitating discussions on translating science into policy and action (eg. REDD+, Nature-based Solutions).
Cécile combines years of experience in climate change policy analysis with a background in tropical ecology and thorough understanding of forest ecosystem functioning to provide a unique multidisciplinary approach to her work. Her research focuses on the potential for Nature-based Solutions to respond to climate change. She is an expert on the ecosystem functioning and carbon dynamics of tropical forests across the globe, and their response to a rapidly changing climate.
As the Science Lead of the Oxford Biodiversity Network, Cécile works with teams across 20 Departments and Institutes to ensure the effective organisation, innovation, funding, and impact of biodiversity-related research across the University. Cécile also manages the Global Ecosystems Monitoring network’s database for the Ecosystems Science team at the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, providing data gathering and analysis support to the 70+ permanent plots scattered across the globe. She is Technical Director of the Nature-based Solutions Initiative, and Founding Director of Oxford Biochar.
Over the past five years, Cécile has published widely on the effects of climate change on tropical forest ecosystems. As Technical Director of Oxford University’s Nature Based Solutions Initiative, Cécile works with an interdisciplinary team to translate science-based evidence on Nature-based Solutions to decision makers. The team work closely with NGOs, local governments and the United Nations, with the strong ambition to bring the equitable protection of nature to the centre of the sustainable development agenda.
Cécile has completed an MSc in Environmental Technology at Imperial College, worked as a consultant for Ecosecurities and Environmental Resources Management Ltd, completed a DPhil at Oxford University, and worked as a consultant for the UN-REDD+ team of the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organisation, where she was involved in developing Vietnam’s Measurement, Reporting and Verification Framework Document under Vietnam’s National REDD+ Programme.
Cécile specialises in Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Nature-based Solutions, and has delivered speeches to the Untied Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, the US Department of Energy’s Next Generation Ecosystems Experiments, the Royal Society, Association for tropical Biologists, the British Ecological Society, multiple Schools, the Natural History Museum, and regularly attends and presents at scientific conferences and in Governmental organisations. Over the past ten years, she has organised and spoken at side events at the Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, Poznan, Milan, Delhi, and Bonn.
Member of the Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests, Oxford Biodiversity Network, and alumni of the Oxford Martin School, she is also an active supporter of the Martin School’s Illegal Wildlife Trade program.
PhDCécile's PhD thesis provides insights into to the effects of climate change on tropical montane forests. It does so by examining the interactions between environmental factors (temperature, rainfall, light) and above- and below-ground forest carbon dynamics on a transect ranging from 3000 m (26.4 ºC) to 220 m (12.6 ºC), situated in the Kosñipata valley and Tambopata, Peru. The information obtained through this study has been used to provide impetus to research and conservation of South American forests, in the face of the impending threats caused by climate change.